
From wikiPodLinux

These are instructions for removing Linux without losing any music or other files as you would if you did a full firmware Restore using Apple's Updater.

Table of contents

Using Installer 2

If you have used Installer 2 to install iPodLinux, and if you have instructed it to create a backup, then you can use it to restore the firmware partition, as well as erase the ext2 partition (applies to WinPods only), to the state it was when you created that backup. Note that this will not erase your files on the music partition.

Using Apple's iPod Updater Utility

Windows and Mac

This is also called a fake update.

By following this procedure, the Apple updater will only replace the firmware and partition table of your iPod. This means that it does not necessarily completely restore your iPod to its state before you installed iPodLinux to it. In particular...
  • On a WinPod, where an iPodLinux installation created a new ext2 partition to be used for the Linux files, this partition will be lost due to the fact that the restored partition does not list the ext2 partition any more. This means that on a WinPod, this procedure effectively restores your iPod to a state without any iPodLinux installed.
  • On a MacPod, where the partition table did not need to be changed to install iPodLinux, effectively nothing but the bootloader gets uninstalled by this procedure. It does not remove the linux related files and folders that were installed on the (main) music partition. You can remove them manually in the Finder, though. You may also easily enable iPodLinux again by re-installing a bootloader.
Hence, this procedure is having the same effect as the uninstall function of Installer 2 as mentioned above.

1. Boot into either Disk Mode or Apple's firmware and connect your iPod to the computer.

2. Navigate (browse) to the following directory on the iPod: iPod_Control/Device

These directories will probably be hidden.
  • On Windows, turn on Show Hidden Files to access them, or browse to the directory directly by adding \iPod_Control\Device to the window's address field when viewing the iPod's folder. (Note: to view hidden files, use pulldown menu Tools in Explorer, choose Folder Options.... Choose the second tab to the right (View). Expand the Hidden Files and Folders folder in the menu, and select "Show Hidden Files and Folders".)
  • On Mac OS X, either "cd" to it using the Terminal application, then open it in the Finder using "open .", or use the Finder's Go to Folder... command from the menu (or press Command-Shift-G) and enter this path: /Volumes/your iPod's name/iPod_Control/Device

3. In the Device folder you should see a file called SysInfo. Open that in a text editor (Windows: Wordpad, Mac: just double click the file, it should open in TextEdit)

4. Find the 2 lines that look similar to:

buildID: 0x02208000 (2.2)
visibleBuildID: 0x02208000 (2.2)
Modify the values to be less than the original, eg: decrement the first or second non-zero digit by one and it should look like this:
buildID: 0x02108000
visibleBuildID: 0x02108000
(Note: you may ignore the number in parentheses)
Save it.

5. Run the iPod Updater Application. Its Update button should now be enabled.

6. Use the Update button to have iPodLinux uninstalled from your iPod without erasing your music and other files you see on your iPod's disk (i.e. the main music partition).

What are these buildID values?

The buildID is the internal firmware version that you currently have installed on your iPod. The Apple updater reads this to know whether your iPod needs an update or not.

The visibleBuildID is the publically known version. The Apple Updater reads this to show you the firmware version. This value has no effect on whether the installer lets you update or not.

The numbers in the brackets have no effect on anything, they seem to just be there for readability and get recreated by the iPod's firmware when it is rebooted.

Using iPodLinux's GUI Installer

Windows Only

Note: This method is a good way to preserve customized or edited firmware if you no longer have the modified Apple Updater.

CAUTION: This method only works if you made a backup before installing AND the backup was made with that same installer directory.

1. Boot into Apple's firmware, or reboot and enter Disk Mode.

2. Open up the folder containing your iPodLinux installer. Note the full folder and .exe filename.

3. Open the Run box on the Start menu, and type the full path to your installer in, with quotes, for example:


4. After the path to the installer, add \r to the end of that line. The whole line now should look something like:

"C:\ipl\installer\ipodlinux-installer.exe" \r

5. Hit Enter and wait about 5 seconds. The installer will pop up and confirm that you want the backup restored. Hit next and watch the pretty bar go past.

6. Congratulations! You've restored your old firmware!

Alternate Method

Windows Only

This is based of the above tutorial except you don't need to use the run box or find the path to the installer. So you still need to have a backup from that installer, in that directory.

1. Browse to your installer.

2. Create a shortcut of the installer (right click, create shortcut.)

3. Open the properties of the shortcut ( right click, properties.)

4. Add \r to the target line. NOTE: The \r has a space in front of it. So it should look like:

"C:\ipl\iPod-Linux-installer\ipodlinux-installer.exe" \r

5. Press Okay.

6. Run the shortcut and follow the instructions onscreen.


If the above methods failed, see the Troubleshooting page for help.

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