From wikiPodLinux
Quite simply, TTK is a GUI library for the iPod.
Table of contents |
What can it do?
TTK is a higher-level GUI library for the iPod, a level above something like SDL or Nano-X, that works mostly with the concepts of windows and widgets. It is quite generic, but provides a few specific widgets to get you started: a menu, text viewer, image viewer, and slider.
TTK achieves semi-object-orientedness in C by using structures and function pointers extensively.
For instance, you can override a widget's draw handler by just saying wid->draw = my_draw;
Events are handled similarly, with one handler for each event; they are somewhat higher-level than
the events returned by the graphics library layer, including for instance held buttons, scrollwheel
taps, etc.
Why should I use it?
Well, here's the (shortened) list from the introduction to the TTK API:
- TTK is a higher-level library than what you're used to.
- TTK has intelligent event handling.
- TTK only draws your stuff when it needs to be drawn. (for the most part)
- TTK acts as an abstraction layer between your code and a lower-level graphics library.
- TTK makes easy things easier.
- TTK makes some hard things easy.
- TTK makes hard things possible.
- TTK is extensible.
Good enough reasons? (The API has more detail about those points.)
Where do I get it?
The latest version is in SVN:
% svn co % make % make install
Compile against it with e.g. gcc -o ttkapp ttkapp.c `ttk-config --ipod --sdl --cflags --libs`
Alternatively, if you don't want to install it, you can use `/path/to/ttk/ttk-config-here flags`
Get the API from "Ttk API.pdf.gz" (SVN r2329).
Hey, this is cool! Why isn't podzilla using it?
It is. It is in podzilla2.
Any example apps?
Sure; type make examples
in the source tree. If you want to look at a slightly larger
codebase, just look at podzilla2 or at the various modules. :-)
There's also the beginnings of a Perl language binding for TTK.
Share and enjoy. Josh 23:32, 30 Oct 2005 (CST)