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What is FloydZilla
FloydZilla is a build of Podzilla (legacy) done by DansFloyd.
Visit the website HERE (http://www.dansfloyd.com).
Currently Floydzilla works for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation,
1st & 2nd Gen Mini, Photo, Color, and the Nano.
Currently the 5th gen WILL NOT work with Floydzilla
For the lastest binary and source go to www.dansfloyd.com/floydzilla.html
From Podzilla
FloydZilla has all the features of podzilla (legacy). Below are a list of features from the Podzilla (legacy) wiki page.
* A music browser allowing you to view your iPod's music in a similar way to Apple's iPod firmware * Basic MP3/AAC/WAV playback (with volume control) * Basic recording on 3rd Generation iPods * Some simple games o Bluecube (Tetris (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris)) o Hunt The Wumpus (Wumpus (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wumpus)) o Invaders (Space Invaders (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_invaders)) o iPobble (Bobble (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puzzle_Bobble) or Bust a Move) o Lights (Lights Out (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lights_Out_%28game%29)) o Nimesweeper (Minesweeper (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minesweeper_%28computer_game%29)) o Othello o Pong (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) o Steroids (Asteroids (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroids)) o Tic-Tac-Toe o Tunnel o Tuxchess (Chess) * A few GFX demos o Cube o Matrix o Mandelpod * Some vaguely useful things o Calendar display o Touch-Tone Dialer * A file browser able to: o Read text files o View images (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNM and XPM formats are supported) + For better performance, compress images o Play video o Execute external applications
- Blackjack
- Text Input 8
- Sudoku (http://ipodlinux.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3787)
- iDoom
- iBoy
- Manic Miner
- KeyMan
- DopeWars
- Snake
- Memory
- Chopper
- StepMania
- Credits
- Tone Generator
- Metronome
- MultiConvert
- PodWrite
- PodDraw
- Timer (Stopwatch)
- Temperature Converter
- Battery Toggle AF (switches the battery meter in the Apple Firmware)
- PowerOff(beta) (http://ipodlinux.org/Poweroff_beta) feature included for Windows installer ONLY (mac 'how to' here (http://ipodlinux.org/Poweroff_beta#Linux.2FMac_OS_X_Installation_HOWTO))
- Added Gradient Themes for Color iPods (photo/color & nano ONLY)
- Menu has 'Run..' feature (Thanks jonrelay)
- Games menu organized
- Exit, reboot and delete confirmation changed
- Added 'Rename' and 'Load in Podwrite' to browser (Thanks jonrelay)
- Chopper - a little easier to fly (Thanks Pokeon)
- StepMania - changed the directory to /hp/ddr/, fixed backlight problem (Thanks Pokeon)
- Added TONS of fonts, ready and available to choose from
Known Issues
- See Podzilla (legacy) for it's Know issues
- Cannot Exit from Dopewars
- Tone Generator sometimes locks up
- Dialer sometimes locks up
- Battery Toggle AF sometimes locks up (on 4g B&W)
How to Install
For help go here: Installing Floydzilla (http://www.dansfloyd.com/help.html)
What you need
- Linux on your iPod
- FloydZilla binary
- Your own LEGAL ROMs, not pirated ones.